Thursday, August 14, 2008

Ric Marlow

Ric Marlow has had an outstanding career in show business for many years. Many of you will know him for the Grammy he received in 1962 for the song A Taste Of Honey which has been recorded by approximately 250 artists, internationally, including The Beatles, Herb Alpert & The Tijuana Brass, Barbra Streisand, Tony Bennett, Johnny Mathis just to name a few. A Taste Of Honey is one of the most commercially successful songs in the history of the music and recording industry! Ric Marlow started his acting career 1959 and has appeared in some 75 shows. Many of you may recognize him from his countless TV appearances on such shows as Hawaii 5-O, Magnum PI, Sea Hunt, Bonanza and more. Ric has performed live in New York, Florida, Las Vegas, Hollywood and Palm Springs, California where he now resides.

To meet him in person , is to know a fun-loving, all around robust, generous guy who knows how to enjoy life. To have him as a dad is to have a real true friend you can talk to about anything. He's known for his talent as a songwriter and performer and has enjoyed a wealth of love from all.

A tribute to you dad Ric! Love ya! The Marlow/Teczon/English kids

Julia English Marlow

This was a woman whose life seems as if a fairy tale, a story written she was born to, a true rags to riches story. She was an Actress, Professional Dancer and Dance Teacher, Real Estate Broker and the most loving and beautiful Mom.

This was a person that put color in the rainbow, made the world seem like a beautiful place to live and made nothing seem impossible.

My Beautiful Mom Julia, she put color into the world and taught us love conquers all. She always said , "You're never too old to be young and play and enjoy life." She taught us to believe you can do what ever you want in life no matter where you start off.

"Going Home To Mom's House"

A graceful sweep to the right engulfs
A chubby row of bushes lining the walkway
Strong, full rose bushes sing in the wind as
Their scent dances around you,
Tickling your nostrils
Huge pine trees seem as peaceful guardians
A glimpse in the kitchen window treats you
The image of a fine featured, Dark haired, Island-English mix woman, Humming merrily around, graces you
You open the front door, your mouth waters
Layers of gourmet aromas fill your nose
A warm glow surrounds you,
She embraces you, welcoming you home
Feelings of security, love says,
Here you're always safe and welcome
I savor now the warm memory,
Teardrop after teardrop leaves my eyes
A jagged pattern, rippling my face,
Remember days of Going home to Mom's house

by, Dalton C Teczon

Robert "T" Totten

He was a director, actor and writer of many movies such as "Red Pony," "The Sacketts" and more. He was one of my constant inspirers over the years as I sent him my music demos and bore his critique and appreciated his encouragement. And finally presenting the demo that he praised as the one that "had arrived." He always said "keep looking for that next opportunity and grab, never give up." And when he parted January 27, 1995, I held those on to those words all the more. He was a good friend and will be sorely missed. Rest in Peace "T."